How to Best Store Green Onions and Keep Them Fresh Longer

There is nothing worse than having your green onions wilt away before you can even use them. So, here I will show you how to best store green onions so that you can learn to keep them fresh longer.

Determined to not have to throw any away again, I found a few ways to store them, so they stay vibrant and crisp up until use.

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The top methods that I found helpful are:

  1. Placing them on a windowsill 
  2. Wrapped in a paper towel and sealed in a bag
  3. In a jar of water in the refrigerator

Let’s explore all of these methods to see which one is the easiest for you to achieve so you can save your next batch of green onions. 

What Is a Green Onion Used For? 

If you aren’t familiar with green onions, you may have just found your new best friend in the kitchen. Green onions, scallions being another name for them, are incredibly versatile and are used in various dishes and cuisines. 

They are a vegetable that lives in the Allium family, which is also home to garlic, onions, leeks, and shallots. Since their flavor profile is more subtle and mild, they can be used as a garnish on a dish. 

In addition, you can add a larger quantity to your recipe for a more intense flavor to enhance the flavor. Don’t worry, you can eat it raw or cooked, so there isn’t a wrong way to eat these. 

When looking at a green onion, you might think it’s a weird-looking stalk and not good for too much. So, depending on what part of the green onion you use will determine what flavor you get

how to best store green onions

The white bottoms have a very different taste than the leafy green at the top of the stalk. Think of this as your two-for-one vegetable when it comes to flavor. 

The bottom white part has a similar taste to a white onion and stays pretty crispy even after cooking. The difference between this and a regular white onion is that it’s not as harsh and sweeter. 

The green part on the top is more of a crossover between an onion and a leafy green flavor. The green onion is a perfect addition to any dish, no matter what part of it you use.

Let’s get into how to best store green onions properly for maximum freshness.

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3 Methods on How to Best Store Green Onions

1. Windowsill Method 

Suppose you have a windowsill in your kitchen. In that case, you are lucky, as this method is the most efficient and resourceful way to store your green onions.

  1. Buy green onion with the roots still attached. (Pre-cut onions won’t work efficiently for this method.)
  2. You will need to find a tall jar to place your green onions in so they don’t fall over. (Even better if the jar is heavy on the bottom for added stability.)
  3. Fill your jar up to about a quarter of the way up with water. Then, place your green onions in the jar with the root down. (If there isn’t enough water in the jar to cover the roots, add some more to ensure that the roots are covered with water.)
  4. Place on the windowsill to get good light, and your green onions will stay fresh for months!
  5. Replace with fresh water every couple of days, so mold doesn’t accrue.

2. Cool and Dark Method 

If you don’t have a windowsill in your kitchen, don’t worry. This method works just as well and has a couple of extra steps. 

  1. With a sharp knife, cut off the bottom root part of the onion. (You can either throw away or use the bottoms to regrow your green onions.)
  2. Use a paper towel and remove any extra moisture.
  3. You can store this whole if you have a big enough plastic bag or cut them halfway between to fit into two smaller bags. (When you cut halfway, try and cut right above where the stalk starts the break apart. There should be a little bit of green left on the bottom of your stalk, and the other half should just be the leafy green.)
  4. Wrap your green onions in a paper towel. Roll them to where they are still loose enough to breathe.
  5. Place your green onions in the zip-up plastic bag and place them in the refrigerator.

Keep an eye on your onions if you don’t use them very often to ensure they haven’t gone bad.

3. Refrigerated Jar Method 

This is probably the simplest way to store your green onion. So, if you don’t have a windowsill and don’t want to slice and dice anything, this is your method. 

The jar method makes it, so humidity is captured within the bag and allows your green onions to stay crisp and thriving.

  1. Fill a jar a quarter of the way with water. 
  2. Place your green onions in the jar with the root down.
  3. Ensure that the roots are fully covered by the water.
  4. Cover the onions with a plastic bag. 
  5. Cinch and secure the bag with a rubber band around the base of the jar.
  6. Place it in the fridge somewhere where it won’t tip over and spill.  
  7. Change out the water every couple of days to make sure it stays fresh. 

Regrowing Your Green Onion 

As previously mentioned, you can regrow your green onions from your scraps! It’s one of the simplest and easiest things you can do.

When using the windowsill method, you can leave your stalks in the water, and they will continue to grow over time if not used. However, if you use one of the stalks, don’t throw away the root! This is how you regrow your onions. 

Take the bottom part of the green onion with the root attached, and place it in a shallow dish with water. Make sure that the roots are covered with water and kept in sunlight. 

That’s it!

Allow time and the sunshine to work their magic, and you will have fresh regrowth begin to happen within a few weeks.

Tip: Don’t forget to change out the water every couple of days.

FAQ – How to Best Store Green Onions

1. What’s the Difference Between a Green Onion and a Scallion?

There isn’t a difference other than how they are labeled. Green onions and scallions are the same things. 

2. Can I Use Green Onions Raw?

Absolutely! Use them as a garnish, in a salad, or you can cook them too. 

3. How Often Should I Change the Water for My Windowsill Scallions?

Change out the water every two days if possible. If you see your water getting murky, then it’s time for a quick water change. 

4. How Long Will My Onions Last With the Cool and Dark Method?

They can last anywhere from 3-5 weeks with this method if there is moisture to keep the onions crisp. 

5. Will the Refrigerated Jars Method Work if I Don’t Put the Bag Over the Top?

It will still work if you don’t have a bag over the top, but it won’t be as fresh for as long. Without the bag on top, your onions will only last a couple of weeks.

The Takeaway

Green onions are an amazingly versatile vegetable that you can put on practically any dish to enjoy. While, if not taken care of properly, they can wilt away quickly, there are plenty of ways to care for your green onions, so they don’t wilt.

Whether you are storing your green onions on your windowsill, in a jar in your fridge, or wrapped up, you have found a new way to save your produce to keep it fresher for longer.

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